MICRO -double helix- explores the small universe that is our body and mind.
There are more than 200 translucent spheres hanging from the top of the bridge, following the curve of two waves. When a sphere is bumped into it generates a unique sound, and lights up with one of 5 different colors. As people play with th e balls and move along with the structure, the flow of the human bodies in conjunction with the spheres becomes an ever changing double helix pattern.
MICRO -double helix- delves into a world we cannot see, but is the very fabric of reality, the world of atoms, sub-atomic particles, and quantum fluctuation. Its a world of incomprehensible mystery, but one we experience every moment of our lives, even if we don’t realize it. To journey within is to experience this reality. MICRO -double helix- enables people to take that journey. Together, the participants recreate this world where particles, waves, and vibrating energy are all interchangeable states. This is realized with strands of hanging balls that light up and make sound from within when bumped. As people touch the balls, each ball replies with a different sound and light.
MICRO -double helix- was commissioned by Scottsdale Public Art(AZ) for Canal Convergence 2016.